Enabler blog
Email marketing blog with best practice tips and expert email guides.

GDPR – what is it and how does it affect email?
One of the things we really strive to do in the Enabler team is keep our clients up to date...
September 13, 2017/by Sophie Graham
Pick a font, any font – just not comic sans
“If you were a web font, what web font would you be?” I was once asked a very similar question in a job interview...
August 22, 2017/by Paul Dipper
Emoji here, emoji there, emojis everywhere
Emojis are everywhere... on social media platforms, blogs, text messages, and now they are even in movies...
August 15, 2017/by Dominika Michalik
On the subject of preview text
So you've created the perfect email. The HTML, CSS and design have all united...
July 31, 2017/by Paul Dipper
Meet our email team
Enabler is supported by a team of email specialists who have won the RAR Award...
July 11, 2017/by Suzanne Reeves
What is marketing automation, and why you should be using it
With so much going on in a Marketing team, you will often find you don't have...
July 6, 2017/by Sophie Graham
The drag’n’drop revolution
Drag and Drop does exactly what it says on the tin. It enables users to move a particular...
June 30, 2017/by Dominika Michalik
Winner at RAR Digital Awards for email marketing
We are delighted to announce that our Enabler team at Pancentric Digital won the RAR...
June 20, 2017/by Clare Willson
Your pre-flight sending checklist
Scheduling emails, especially those going to large audiences, can be a daunting task...
May 31, 2017/by Sophie Graham
The new Nokia 3310 – what’s all the hype about?
The Nokia 3310’s official comeback conquered the news around the world last month...
April 18, 2017/by Dominika Michalik
Top tips for an irresistible subject line
Inboxes around the world are bombarded by around 205 billion emails every day...
April 10, 2017/by Suzanne Reeves
Looking beyond the clicks: analytics – chapter two
If you read our first Reporting and Analytics blog, you’ll already know the importance...
March 23, 2017/by Sophie Graham
Does one size really fit all?
In 2016 email marketing has become greater than ever before, and with such high...
March 2, 2017/by Dominika Michalik
Top five email tools
As email marketers, we are always trying to find the best ways to make sure our...
February 21, 2017/by Sophie Graham
Top ten email coding tips
Say the words “Build me an email” to a developer and watch the expression on...
February 13, 2017/by Paul Dipper
Planning your editorial calendar – get ahead of your marketing comms
As a marketer, there’s nothing worse than the frantic last-minute creation of new...
January 24, 2017/by Suzanne Reeves
Spam filters: what are they and how to avoid them
Spam filter problems are something you’ll probably come across during your time...
November 29, 2016/by Sophie Graham
Tracking your email campaigns – the key metrics for reporting and analytics
So much information is available about email campaigns now that it can be hard...
November 15, 2016/by Sophie Graham